New search features on YouTube to make it easier to discover your videos quickly

 New search features on YouTube to make it easier to discover your videos quickly... Get to know them

To help users discover more relevant content on its platform, Google-owned video platform YouTube is rolling out major updates to its search functionality. With this update, YouTube will begin displaying video chapters directly on the search results page, displaying video snippets of search results on its mobile app, and displaying content in additional languages with automatically translated captions.

New search features on YouTube to make it easier to discover your videos quickly... Get to know them

New YouTube search features to make it easier to find videos quickly

New search features on YouTube

1- Video chapters on the YouTube search results page

The first new feature is the addition of video chapters to the YouTube search results page. This is essentially an extension of the video class features that the company introduced last year. It allows creators to split their videos into multiple chapters that appear in the search bar. As a result, it helps viewers see the different sections of the video and easily access the most relevant part.

Video chapters on the YouTube search results page

YouTube is rolling out new search features for better video discovery Until now, YouTube has only displayed video chapters when users have opened a video on the platform. However, after this update, video chapters will start appearing directly on the search results page to help viewers make an informed decision about whether to watch a video.

2- Video clips in the search page on mobile devices

The second feature is a new feature for YouTube mobile applications. Currently, when users browse YouTube videos on desktop devices, they see short video clips of videos simply by hovering over the video thumbnails. So .

Video snippets on the mobile search page

With this update, YouTube will extend this feature to the mobile app search page. It will allow you to easily preview videos before watching one.

3- Subtitles and subtitles for videos in other languages

Finally, if users can't find relevant content on your local search page, YouTube will now display videos in other languages with automatically translated titles, comments and descriptions. This way, users will be able to access more videos from global content creators on the platform.

Subtitles and captions for videos in other languages

These features are currently being rolled out across YouTube's desktop and mobile applications worldwide. In addition, YouTube is testing a new feature that displays relevant links and other content formats from Google search among videos. It is currently available on mobile devices for users in India and Indonesia. Based on user feedback, YouTube will also extend the feature to other countries.

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