Twitter is working to solve the problem of disappearing tweets

Twitter is working to solve the problem of disappearing tweets

One of the problems that users face on the social networking platform is the disappearance of tweets when they are read sometimes, Twitter has officially announced that it will work to solve this problem.

Twitter is working to solve the problem of disappearing tweets

Many users of the Twitter app on mobile platforms suffer from the problem of a tweet they were reading disappearing, and this happens mainly when there is a reply from a user to the tweet or if the original tweeter adds a tweet that is related to it, and Twitter is fully aware of this problem and has announced via their official support account that they are working to solve this problem.

Twitter is working to solve the problem of disappearing tweets

The official Twitter support account said in a tweet: "Talk about tweets disappearing in the middle of playback when the timeline seems to update automatically. We know this is a frustrating experience, so we're working to change it. over the next few months, we'll be rolling out updates to how we look at Your tweets don't disappear."

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