How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

 How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

Sometimes you may use many programs on your computer, and some of them unfortunately consume Internet. Unfortunately, not all programs have options to limit the speed consumed by the Internet. So, if you are looking for a way to better control the Internet usage of your programs, you should install a specific application for this purpose, such as Tmeter. With it, you can monitor and determine the Internet consumption of each program.

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

1. The software is available for download via this link ;

2. During the installation, it asks you if you want to install it completely or only some of its components. But even better, choose the complete installation;

3. When you open it for the first time, it will show you a notification that no network is selected. Click on OK. Now, in the left column, go to "Services > Network Interfaces" ;

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

4. On the right side, you will see the list with the network or Wi-Fi cards you have in the device. Select the desired option, make sure you are in a public or private network (if you are not sure, you can change later), and then click Apply.

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

Now that the program is monitoring our connection, we need to add the processes that we want to control the speed of their Internet connection. Please follow these steps:

1. On the program's startup screen, look for "process definitions", then click on "Add" 

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

2. Now click on "Add...", and in the new window, click on the "..." icon to search for the program you will select from its Internet connection. Click on OK and the program will be added to the list of operations. Finally, click on "Apply".

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

With the program and network monitoring, the only remaining step is to create a rule to determine the program's allowable speed. Here's how to create the rule:

1. Back on the program start screen, go to "Configuration > Filterset" ;

2. Now select the option "All traffic on my computer" and click on "Add...> Rule" ;

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

3. In the new window, give the rule a name in "Rule Description". In the source, select the "Local Process" option and choose the previously added program. The screen will look like the image below;

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

4. The program will return to the screen from step 2. Click Apply. Now select the right-click rule and click on "add filter..." ;

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

5. In a new window, click on "Add Rule" and repeat step 3. Now check the option "Enable limited speed" and set the desired maximum speed in KB/s. Finally, click OK and Apply.

How to make the programs installed on your computer consume less Internet bandwidth

Now the program that was added in Tmeter will have a limited Internet connection speed and will only consume what is specified for it.

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