How to create youtube channel in 3 simple steps

 How create youtube channel

YouTube has over two billion users worldwide. That's nearly two-thirds of the world's Internet users and 500 hours of video are uploaded every minute. Its videos record about one billion hours of viewing per day. With this, YouTube has become one of the most important revenue channels of the current century, in addition to being used as an excellent marketing tool for businesses and companies. There is no better time than now to start creating your own YouTube channel or business.

How to create youtube channel in 3 simple steps

Steps to create a YouTube channel

1. Create a Google account

If you use a Google service like Gmail or Google Drive, you already have a Google account and you can skip this step. If you don't have a Google account, you need to create a new one first.

Create a Google account

2. Create a YouTube channCreate a YouTube channel

In the top corner, click on the image of your account and choose Create a YouTube channel to proceed with the steps to enter your channel data.

3. Select the type of YouTube channel

Select the type of channel you want to create; Either you choose to create a personal YouTube channel, in which case your Google Account data will be used, such as your name and photo, or you can create a channel for your brand to which you add data specifically. Either way, there's not much difference between the two, as they can be changed later.

Select the type of YouTube channel

4. Add a name to the channel

Choose a name for the YouTube channel

Choosing a distinctive name for your YouTube channel is the first stepping stone to creating a strong brand, and here are the most important specifications you should apply to it:

First of all, you need to select the category that best fits your YouTube channel. Most YouTube channel names generally fall into these four name categories:

  • Personal.
  • Brand.
  • Descriptive (directly identifies the content of the channel, e.g. quick welcome character)
  • Categorical (specifies the category the channel belongs to, for example: soft music)
  • Choose a unique name

Think about some of the popular channels you follow on YouTube, what makes them so special? Besides the power of the content, you will find that the names of these channels are easy to remember, so it is important to phrase the name of the channel in an appealing way so that it stays in the minds of the masses.

It's best if the name has at most two or three words and avoid using numbers so that it doesn't sound like it's automatically generated.

Provide a domain with the same name

You may need to create a website that represents your brand, so be sure to check for a domain with the same name you've chosen. In addition to the domain, search social networks for the suggested name, just in case it could be used by a third party, preferably the URLs of the channel's social network accounts with the chosen name.

Link the name to the content of the channel

The name of the YouTube channel should reflect its identity. However, it should be relevant to the people who watch the videos on it, try to associate the name with the published content. For example, when creating a YouTube channel about fitness, combine the terms exercise or sport with the channel name.

5. Add the channel icon

The first option you will see after selecting a channel name is to add an icon to it. The added icon expresses the channel's visual identity, preferably your brand logo, to reflect the channel's professionalism and help promote awareness. Through the Fiverr website, you can find the best designers to implement a distinctive logo for your brand at the lowest costs.

Note: The recommended size for the channel icon is 800 x 800 pixels, with a maximum file size selected of 4MB or less.

Upload an image for the YouTube channel

6. Add channel information

After selecting the channel image comes the item to add information. Here you need to describe your brand and what viewers expect to see on your channel. This description will appear in many places such as search engines, so make sure you provide a clear description when you add it.

When creating a YouTube channel, add all the information about it

7. Add channel links

Well, you're almost done creating your YouTube channel. All that's left is to add links to the channel's website and social media accounts, if any. If you haven't created them yet, that's okay, this step is optional and can be done at a later date.

Add links to your YouTube channel

8. Add a channel picture

The YouTube channel picture is the similar version of the Facebook page cover but on YouTube. It is necessary for every YouTube channel to have an image that reflects its personality for viewers, you can add it by clicking on Customize Channel at the top left, then choose Add Channel Picture. 

Customize your YouTube channel

Then upload the image by pressing the Add Channel Image button.

Customize your YouTube channel

Best tips to create a unique YouTube channel image

Your YouTube channel image is the first message that attracts viewers to your channel. To start creating a distinctive image, you need to know the ideal dimensions of YouTube channel images :

Optimal size; For a YouTube channel image that works well on multiple devices, you need 2560 x 1440 pixels.

Minimum size: 2048 x 423 pixels This is called a safe area, it ensures that text and logos in this area are not cut off when viewed on different devices.

Maximum file size: 6MB or less is recommended.

Do not place any text and logos outside the safe area

The safe area for text and logos in the YouTube channel image is 2048 x 423 pixels, and it is located exactly in the center of the template, and this area appears on YouTube when your channel is displayed on desktop screens.

Make sure that no important information such as your brand's logo, text and taglines leave this space, so that it is always displayed in your channel image on all devices.

Make sure you have links to your channel

YouTube allows you to add links to your channel and they are displayed in the bottom corner of the cover photo, if you have added them, check the bottom of the channel photo. And don't forget to think about how much space these links take up and make sure nothing important takes up that space in your design.

Create a clean and simple image

There is not much space to add many elements when designing an image for your YouTube channel. This is the most important reason why you create a simple image, and the best example is to have an image in the background and your brand text or logo. See, for example, the image of the Economic Informer Channel :

  • Adjusting the dimensions of the YouTube channel image
  • Use a high quality image
  • Poor quality images can easily distract from your channel. You can get free high quality images from some dedicated websites like pixabay and pexels.

But it's always better to rely on a professional, high-quality design that expresses the content you provide. You can delegate this task to a professional designer via Fiverr to do everything, turn to design services and choose the professional design service that suits you.

9. Add the first video

Finish creating your channel by adding the first launch video, once on the main page you will find the Upload Video button, click on it to access the clip upload window and start filling its data.

Upload the first video when creating a YouTube channel

With this, you have completed all the steps to create your YouTube channel, but the path to success will start from here. In the next section, we will cover the most important steps and tips to get the highest views and success with your YouTube channel.

Tips for creating a successful YouTube channel

1. Optimize your content

To get more views for your YouTube channel videos, optimize your content to rank well in YouTube and Google searches. Once you upload your first video, give it a unique title so viewers are more likely to find it in the search bar, and make sure to include your keyword in the description and title.

You can use Google's keyword selector to search for the title to include in the video and see how many searches it gets, if it's not acceptable (less than 1,000 searches per month), try to come up with another title.

Don't forget to make sure you evaluate the competition and check the keywords used by similar videos. Finally, write a good description of at least 200 words, this will not only help viewers know what your video is about, but will also help your video rank in the search engine results pages.

2. Get the right equipment

Using your smartphone is a convenient way to record video. But if you want viewers to enjoy your content, it's worth investing in the right equipment. Most YouTubers use digital SLRs.

All this along with other essential video shooting accessories such as: tripods, lenses and studio lighting. And don't forget to invest in a good microphone as well; Sound clarity is just as important as the quality of the shot.

3. Make every second count

As much as producing high quality content, it's important to remove anything that doesn't enhance and add value to your videos. This means being selective with the partial clips you include in the final clip (i.e. after you've finished editing). Choose only the best shots and remove the silent moments to keep viewers interested and engaged throughout the video.

 4. Start the video in an interesting way

Trust me, there is nothing that grabs the viewer's attention until the end of a video better than starting with an interesting shot, show the end result first If your video is a snapshot, the amazing end result makes the audience more interested in seeing how you achieve this.

Stories are another way to get viewers interested. When you start your video with a story, people will naturally want to keep seeing what happens. However you engage viewers, make sure your editorial is directly related to the topic.

5. Use simple programs at first

If you're just starting out in video editing, you'll perform much better with simple software such as:

  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Openshot These programs are much simpler to use and download, and if you haven't developed video editing skills yet, you can hire a freelancer to edit and design all the videos for your channel.

 6. Build your own network

Although YouTube is not classified as a social networking site, it involves a large percentage of communication and collaboration between users. Therefore, to be successful, you need to make an effort to build your network.

Collaboration between creators has proven to be effective in helping the channel grow and gain new subscribers, as it helps both collaborators to become known to the other subscriber base. Talk to other creators, make friends, and don't be afraid to reach out to the biggest YouTube influencers to ask about possible collaborations.

7. Interact with your subscribers

YouTube wouldn't be what it is today without audiences seeing video content generated by companies like yours and programs for influencers, so make sure you stay engaged with your audience if you plan to grow your popularity and create a successful YouTube channel.

You'll need to first create a community that cares about the topics your channel offers, then start interacting with your viewers, responding to comments and asking questions, and most importantly, listening to them and using their opinions to develop your content.

8. Add videos regularly

No matter how good your content is, it's important that you keep posting videos regularly, there's nothing more fatal to your channel than being absent for a while. Some channel owners publish videos once or twice a week, and they usually tell their viewers this schedule at the end of each video so that viewers know when to come back. Publishing regularly gives a channel a greater chance of getting a steady stream of views, especially after gaining a number of active subscribers.

9. Analyze, improve, repeat

YouTube's analytics tools help you learn about trends, likes, and the audience segments they liked the most. It will guide you on the trends to improve your videos in the future.

The rule (analyze, improve, repeat) is to find what the audience liked the most, improve it and produce more, then repeat the process. Analytics gives you insight into who is viewing your videos the most, so you can focus on them, especially if you start running paid ads.

The most important statistics and facts about YouTube

Before you create a YouTube channel, it's important to review your latest stats so you can use them to create the most viewed content. Here are the most important ones in the current years:

Number of hours of video uploaded

As of May 2019, approximately 500 hours of video were uploaded every minute, or 30,000 hours of video per hour, and videos total approximately 1 billion hours of viewing per day. As of May 2019 to date, YouTube had 2 billion connections per month, up from 1.8 billion in 2018. The average length of YouTube videos is about 12 minutes across all categories, with the exception of music videos at about 7 minutes.

Most viewed category

In December 2018, entertainment was the most viewed category on YouTube, accounting for about 25% of all YouTube video views. People videos and blogs were the most popular video category uploaded to YouTube, accounting for about 32% of all YouTube videos.

What about advertising revenue?

Many people question the mechanism by which YouTube pays channel owners' profits, and that's because YouTube has adopted the policy of advertiser incubation (i.e., ads that appear during video playback), YouTube simply earns directly from advertisers, and then pays video owners their percentage based on several factors such as views, clicks, viewer demographics, etc. According to recent statistics, global advertising revenue on YouTube was about $15 billion, up from $11.16 billion in 2018.

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