How to use voice chatting rooms | Twitter Spaces

 After the successful experiment that Twitter conducted immediately after announcing the beta version of Twitter Spaces live voice chat spaces on iOS devices, Twitter has also launched the service for Android device users, and Twitter says that Android users will be able to join and talk in chat rooms that have been very active under The epidemic that prompted humans to communicate with each other by voice via voice chat apps such as the Clubhouse app that inspired big companies such as Twitter and Facebook.

chatting rooms
chatting rooms

What is the Twitter Spaces voice chat service?

Twitter describes Twitter Spaces as a meeting place based on the voices of Twitter users. In other words, this service is very similar to the Clubhouse application, where Twitter Spaces will allow users to communicate with a person or group of people via live chat, and once the chat is over the recordings will not be available to Twitter users.

Twitter says it will retain call transcripts for 30 days, for the purpose of investigating violations of Twitter's rules. Discussion hosts can save a copy of conversation data as long as Twitter keeps a copy, and speakers can save a copy of what was said as well.

Why did Twitter launch Twitter Spaces?

Twitter launched Twitter Spaces to provide safe and secure voice chat rooms so that users can feel comfortable in audio spaces. In an effort to provide a safe environment for users, Twitter is looking to launch a trial version that works on iOS and Android, which will include a few hundred people, which will be available for public use in a short period of time.

Twitter Spaces Test hopes to detect and resolve issues that may affect the security and convenience of users.

How do Twitter Spaces work?

There are two ways to create a chat room:

  • Long press compose, then tap the new Spaces icon found on the left.
  •     Or click on your profile picture, scroll to the right and tap Spaces.
  • Now you can invite up to 10 people to chat with, share ideas, send emojis and more.
  •  Be sure to select who can join the chat.
  •  You'll notice that your microphone is muted when you start the chat. When you're ready, click Enable Microphone.
  • Choose whether or not to share the recorded copies by turning the option on or off.
  • You can now start recording your voice in your own space.
  • Please note that only the person who created the chat room (the space) can end it.

Can you control who speaks on ?

Of course you can, when you create a chat room you can select who can join your room via one of the following options:

  • All people.
  • Only the people you follow.
  • Only people you invite to talk.
  • You can change the privileges at any time even if there is still space available.

Can you control who listens?

Currently, spaces are public, and anyone can sign up to be a listener. If you create a chat room, your subscribers will certainly see it, and you should know that there is no limit to the number of listeners.

As the person who opened the space, you can simply remove users from the space, report any abusers or block them at any time.

How do I join the discussion forums?

Joining any chat room is easy, click on the Fleets section and search for the room you want to join, then press Join this room, you will notice that the microphone is in the off position, you can turn it on if you want to talk.

Which is the best Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces?

No app is perfect This is something that app users agree on, if we want to compare Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces, we will find that they are very similar. Twitter Spaces is a good alternative to Clubhouse on Android, but both applications have similar features and interfaces but with different purposes. Twitter Spaces was added as an extra feature in the Twitter application, while Clubhouse is a standalone application.

But Twitter allows all users to listen to the chat rooms, while the Clubhouse allows you to create private rooms. other than the Club House.

When you use Twitter Spaces, you will be able to chat with real people via Twitter accounts with their personal photos and real names. In Club House, you will find accounts with fake names, so the Twitter service is better in this respect.

Based on user experience, we can say that the two applications are very similar, which will make it difficult for users to choose one of the two applications.

How does Facebook want to compete in audio apps?

Facebook has started working on a voice chat application similar to the popular Club House, where the Facebook social network aims to expand into new forms of communication. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he is very interested in voice forms of communication.

"Facebook executives have asked employees to create a similar audio chat product," said people familiar with Facebook's operations who were not authorized to speak in public, and said the product is in the early stages of development. "We've been connecting people via audio and video technologies for many years and have always wanted to explore new ways to improve that experience for users," said Facebook spokeswoman Emily Haskell.

So Facebook is entering the competition through its widest doors by developing a voice chat service that will satisfy a broad segment of social network users. 

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