Top 8 Mobile App Buying Sites | Start making money with apps

 We all hear that there is such a thing as app profit, we all hear that app profit is among the best and most powerful projects on the internet, we all know that there are apps that work in the Apple system and apps that work in the Android system, we all know that people make money from apps, but what we don't know and we don't know is where mobile applications are bought, and can I use the source code to start making money from it, and what are the consequences of reskinning, and are there really platforms to buy a 100% ready application without needing to be a professional programmer, and what are the best applications to make money on the Internet. ..

There are a huge number of questions asked by beginners in the world of profiting from applications, for this reason, in WebInfoSoftware blog for information, technology and profiting from the Internet, I will share with you the 8 best sites for buying mobile applications, these sites we will share with you vary from one site to another depending on each service, there are those that sell ready-made applications to work without touching or anything, there are sites that provide source codes to modify them, and there are those that provide them all on one site, but if you are a professional programmer, you can only buy a source code and start designing an idea by modifying all aspects so as not to enter violations, and if you do not understand the field of programming, then buy a ready-made application and start enjoying the Internet.

Top 8 Mobile App Buying Sites

 Top 8 sites for buying mobile applications

If you are a beginner or you understand or do not understand the field of source codes in which applications are recreated, you need a platform to buy ready-made or editable applications, and even if you understand and want to start enjoying applications, you also need a platform to earn money, for this We will share with you one of the best sites that people rely on to develop applications and also buy source codes, and they can also profit from selling applications.

There is no doubt that there are a huge number of marketplaces that offer buying and selling of applications and open an opportunity for developers to earn money on the Internet, but there are sites that have taken the first place like SellMyApp and Flippa, but along with that there are 6 other sites that you can rely on to buy Source codes with the possibility of solving your application development problems for you.

1 . SellMyApp

SellMyApp is among the oldest sites for buying and selling ready-made applications and source codes. It also has a huge number of apps on Android and iPhone systems in various formats, contents and ideas, which makes it one of the best apps. The selling platform is that it has experienced professionals in the field of programming, no, in terms of creating a new professional application, and also in terms of creating a source code that you can modify and enter in Maisie Perskin, and the best thing about SellMyApp is also that it offers you a guarantee that does not exceed 14 days, which means that you can try the code if you find something missing, you can return it for them. That's why this site is number one without a doubt, and it's the one I personally recommend.

2 . CodeCanyon,net

CodeCanyon is also one of the big code buying and selling sites on the internet, and this site has a world famous brand Envato, which also enjoys huge commissions, this site offers many types of applications in various disciplines, and it offers many languages such as PHP , Java, JavaScript, ASP. NET and many more..., offers high quality code, and the beauty of this company is that it not only specializes in selling IOS as well as Android codes, but you can find platforms such as Unity, Corona and Titanium to match the different application stores.

3 . Codester

Codester is somewhat different from the sites I mentioned in the first place, the site is not only dedicated to buying and selling mobile applications, but you can also find that it has a very large platform for web application developers, and as it has been said that it is the largest repository of scripts, applications, themes and templates, plugins, and also used by designers and developers to buy and sell PHP scripts, codes, plugins and many others. ... and a clear interface and accepts payments from PayPal. 

4. ChupaMobile,com

ChupaMobile is like almost all the sites we mentioned and they have the same service, they also offer high quality game applications at different prices, and the site offers you three types of applications depending on the use, either you have a ready application to work and enjoy the Internet, which starts at about $ 1000 Or you can buy a ready-made and adjustable code, at the price of $ 400, and so the number decreases depending on the type of service and quality.How to perfect their development skills.

5. flippa

Flippa is the second number after SellMyApp, or perhaps the same ranking for buying mobile apps, and this site is one of the most powerful and famous sites to buy and sell apps, sites and domains, if you are really ready to start buying and selling applications and start a new project on the iOS platform and also Android, I advise you On Flippa site, the reason is that it is one of the most powerful sites in the field of codes with the possibility of making money from it, it offers thousands of applications, easy to handle, you can review the application, the prices are different according to each person, moreover the site has many followers and it is an opportunity to take advantage of the site.

6. sellmysourcecode

SellMySourceCode is also one of the well-known sites for buying and selling source code for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. It is also very popular for providing the best 3D game codes. This site offers free codes for mobile app developers, and it publishes a lot of high quality apps and the latest update.And the good thing about the site is that if you have a custom code and you want to make changes or develop the app, they have professional programming specialists who provide you with the service you want at a certain price according to each service.

7. ApkaCode

ApkaCode is almost like all the platforms I mentioned because they have one purpose, which is to buy and sell apps with Apple and Android system, and it also opens you as a professional developer to enjoy selling and designing apps in a rare way, and it also offers game apps and many specialties.

8. Apptopia

Apptopia also has the same characteristics of buying and selling applications and codes with the provision of a large number of programming professionals, and the beauty of the site is that it offers you a search engine to know your competitors in the same game or application you developed.

This is what I can offer you now on our site WebInfoSoftware I hope you will find your requirements in this content and that we will meet on a new topicgod bless

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